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单词 get up 例句大全,用单词get up造句:

There is no need to get up in arms over such trifles.
But we have to get up early and go to see Aunt Betty.
但我们必须早起, 然后去看贝蒂婶婶。
I had meant you to get up early, but you got up late.
我本打算要你早起, 但你起晚了。
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
There is no need to get up in arms over such a trifle.
That'll feel good. Okay? Let's just get up, get naked.
I'd offer a seat, but I don't think anyone would get up.
我准备了座位, 但是我想没人会让座的。
I tried to get up again and they shot more arrows at me.
我试着站起来, 他们向我发射了更多的箭。
Get up, you idle boy! He exclaimed, with assumed heartiness.
I head a slanting, avert from, fiercely sat to get up again.
Have listened to, my heart, pain get up. Get up sorrowfully.
But sometimes I get up earlier to play tennis with my father.
If you don't get up by the count of ten, it means you give up!
He was wide awake, he thought it must be nearly time to get up.
I have nose allergy and I always sneeze I get up in the morning.
Get up, again late a little while to should block a car up again.
Well, word of advice, get up earlier to do some morning exercises.
给你一个建议, 早晨早起一些做晨练。
Mr. Lover has to get up in time in the morning when she is asleep.
I used to get up very early, but am not used to getting up so early.
我过去一向起得很早, 但现在不习惯起得那么早了。
You can't get up that naturalness and artless rosy tint in after days.
I also don't know, I today get up early in the morning this appearance.
Bird get up early for eat insect, but worm be eaten rise with the lark.
The idea of not having to get up early every morning is rather appealing.
As you get up and walk toward the bathroom, be fully aware of every step.
Then the alarm clock rings, the man suddenly get up with a gun in his hand.
然后闹钟响了, 男子突然从床上弹起, 手上还握着把枪。
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单词 get up 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)起床;安排;举起;站起来  [更多..]



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