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单词 get about 例句大全,用单词get about造句:

I have consulted with the electrician about using ampere meter, but I still don't get it.
From that you would get angry with your friends, we can conclude you still care about the
让你生气, 那说明你仍然在意他的友情
The Qiao son is explicit, icy cold of the voice get about the entire teahouse and street.
We never get the bare facts, anyway, whenever we seek to discover the truth about the past.
I have consulted with the electrician about using an ampere meter, but I still don't get it.
Let me get down some information about your apartment first. What is your property's add re?
让我先记录一些关于你的住宅的资料,请问你的房子在 哪里
But his aphorism is about as good a onesentence summary of classical feminism as you can get.
Ask students about their opinions about animals to arouse and get them involved in the topic.
头脑风暴, 激起学习热情, 设置悬念, 自然引入到本课的话题。
Dont apologize for what you are about to say. Begin with a bang and get straight to the point.
Its about closing a loophole that has enabled employers to get away with active discrimination.
This medicine belongs to heat, can bring about puerpera get angry or cause a baby to feed heat.
He was going to have a talk with me about this matter and attempt to get the thing in perspective.
You practice your ass off to get there, but the night before the big game, you just forget about it.
She was trying to get him to see a counsellor about his gambling addiction, but he adamantly refused.
So we werent very ashamed about trying to get our message out, even though it was rather preliminary.
Please get the visitors to adorn themselves with the visitors card when they move about in the building.
请来访者在楼里走动时, 一定要带好访客牌。
Andrea Talking about people, Trafalgar square is always the place for people to congregate, or get together.
If I get u, I assure to devote my life into treasuring u if not, I just complain about what I didnt do well.
I can't stand to think about him waiting in the room and knowing he's going to get it. It's too damned awful.
我不忍去想, 他明知道要被人杀害还在屋里等待着。太可怕了。
What about a car horn that sprays sedatives into the air to knock out the idiot driver ahead and get him out of your way?
Lack of mobility may mean that older people with disabilities have to incur the cost of private transport in order to get about.
The captain ordered the engineer to start the engine and the watch officer to heave up the anchor, the ship is about to get under way.
When talking about a change in the state, appearance, etc of a person or thing, we often use become, get, turn and go followed by an adjective.
谈到人或物的状态, 外貌等的变化时, 常用
You 'll never get a poodle to jump onto a man's face no matter how hard you train it and you 'll never prevent an attack dog from at least thinking about it.'
Even though the US has barely begun to get serious about recycling, about 25% of its 195 billion kg of municipal garbage are now salvaged for some sort of second life.
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单词 get about 释义

  • 单词释义:(消息等)传播;随意走走;(病人)可以走动;(使)在…走动  [更多..]



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