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单词 get in 例句大全,用单词get in造句:

A hydraulic service jack has the advantage of no loose chain to get in the way.
Acne is a very common skin disorder that most young people get in early puberty.
Airborne plane should go in ideal line in flight in order to get high resolution.
为了获得高的横向分辨率, 要求载机沿理想航线飞行。
And he said politics politics must not allow allowed to get in the way of reform.
他还说, 绝不允许政治因素影响改革的进度。
He has apparently tried to get in touch with Mr Kibaki, too, but without success.
Why did the author say those who failed to get in need not have felt disappointed?
Tumors shrink in one in four patients with advanced melanoma who get this treatment.
In fact, they're three times more likely to get injured than someone in martial arts.
a partnership in which employees get a share of the profits in addition to their wages.
You can get aquamarines in a variety of cuts and sizes in addition to a variety of colors.
In the context of quality education so that students can get full training in all aspects.
Failing to pass the examinations for admission to college he had to get in by the back door.
Many older adults tend to get sleepier earlier in the evening and awaken earlier in the morning.
Oneself get the agriculture teachers space in 1993, a deluxe agriculture teachers space in 2003.
There are unarguable antiamphetamine medicines you may get in behalf of avoiding the guillotine.
The more hopelessly in love you are, the more you get caught up in deceptions and murky nightmares.
爱得越是死去活来, 就越容易受骗和做可怕的恶梦。
You get fluid accumulating in the legs, you get pain in the joints, he said in a telephone interview.
But religious zealotry would also get in the way of rationality and therefore scientific advancement.
Those who opt for discount charge in the booking must get consent of Physical Education Office in advance.
Your uncharacteristic emotional intensity can get in the way of a more easygoing aspect of your own nature.
Feelings get in the way of the mass acquisition of the Earth, and excavating the Earth, and destroying things.
良知会阻挡人们疯狂挖掘地球资源 掏空地球,毁灭万物。
In turn, how we do at work is vitally affected by the kind of education we get and most especially what we get out of our education.
因为习惯, 我们常常忽视了细节给他人的感受。
And I see that opting out that happens in childhood, and it moves in and becomes more ingrained, even by the time you get to adult life.
我发现这种童年时的改变 会变得越来越深刻 甚至直至成年
The Autumnal Equinox Day and night today is equal. Days get shorter and nights get longer in the Northern Hemisphere after the Autumnal Equinox.
秋分这一天昼, 夜相等。秋分后北半球昼短夜长。
The idea that people who fail in their work will get a fine of five hundred Yuan, while those who work hard get an award of five hundred, is generally considered to be a very reasonable way of dispensing rewards and punishment.
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单词 get in 释义

  • 单词释义:到达;收割;当选;插话  [更多..]



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