Biologists should avoid release of potentially devastating genetically modified pathogens.
Research on Conditions of Theanine Biosynthesis by Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli
The regularity with which this occurs suggests that the process is genetically determined.
The barbaric qualities of our forebears still genetically effected our society at this time
Genetically modified foods have been foisted2 on an unwitting public without adequate testing.
First, to discover what, genetically speaking, makes centenarians different from other people.
Comparison of body measurements in Duroc swine genetically different for severity of leg weakness
Obtained by way of ancient distillation methods from genetically im proved fresh fruits and flowers.
Breeding Methods of the New Strain of Genetically Modified Hetao Melon and its Ecological Suitability
A wheat grain is a genetically modified grass seed, just as a pekinese is a genetically modified wolf.
A wheat grain is a genetically modified grass seed, just as a pekinese is a genetically modified wolf.
Plants have been genetically adjusted to perform nitrogen fixation and to produce their own pesticides.
植物已有基因上的调整, 以进行固氮, 并产生自己的杀虫剂。
Using the deadhead method is typical for the new modern breed of roses that are genetically engineered.
庸人用现代的新方法, 是典型的遗传工程培育玫瑰。
The American Academy Of Environmental Medicine Calls ForImmediate Moratorium On Genetically Modified Foods.
In Europe and America, herds of pigs are being specially bred and genetically engineered for organ donation.
The recipient will not be genetically related to the child, but she will carry the pregnancy and give birth.
Development of Biodegradation of Recalcitrant Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Genetically Engineered Microorganisms
According to the agencys report, all23 types of rice from Walmart that were tested were not genetically modified.
Some people are genetically predisposed to symptoms of overactive bladder, the American Urology Association says.
Morton wants a guarantee that pollen from those genetically engineered beets will not fertilize his chard or red beets.
Chimera An individual or part of an individual in which the tissues are a mixture of two genetically different tissues.
The government told its suppliers to segregate their grain elevators, keeping genetically modified crops apart from conventional ones.
政府告诉供应商应分隔粮仓, 把转基因粮食和传统粮食分开。
When insects bite genetically modified Bt corn and cotton, they get a mouthful of a builtin toxin, produced by every cell of the plant.
她端着盛满了碎玉米的小杯子, 把碎玉米撒向地面。
Now look, as long as we continue to increase the population, we're going to have to continue to grow and eat genetically modified foods.
随着人口不断增长 我们会不得不使用转基因产品
A Genetically Informed Study of the Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Instability DOnofrio, Brian M. Turkheimer, Eric Emery, Robert E et al. P.