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单词 general election 例句大全,用单词general election造句:

In order to run in the general election, you must do extremely well in the Lester election.
為了在大選參選 你必須在萊斯特選 表現非常出色
The orange one is the2009 General Election voting paper used to elect Members of Parliament.
The most important thing is more cohesion within the party to win the next general election.
要想赢得下届大选的胜利, 最重要的是我们党内要更加团结。
Barbados could have three new political parties battling it out in the next General Election.
A General Election is held at least every five years to elect members to the House of Commons.
The Queen appoints him directly after the General Election and asks him to form the government.
普选一结束, 女王即任命他组阁。
All along of American president general election is the battlefield of capital engage inbattle.
He wants to cut the deficit at least as quickly as Labour intended before the general election.
他希望大选前, 赤字至少能像工党预期的那样得以削减。
Giving power away was the theme of the Conservatives manifesto for this years general election.
The makeup of his cabinet appears to dispel any doubts that he will call a snap general election.
他的内阁组成显示, 麻生将很快解散议会举行大选。
The proposal is pending consideration by the new government, after next month's general election.
Most people expect the present prime minister will become a lame duck after the general election.
Right granted to someone to do something, especially the right to vote in local or general election
They have reached unanimity on who will be the presidential candidate for the next general election.
Another would remove a requirement that parties must contest at least three seats at the general election.
第二, 废除党派选举将军时必争夺至少三个席位的要求
but only after the funders have had their way with the candidates who wish to run in that general election.
但只能在投資人如他們所願 讓他們希望的候選人參選大選
Many suggestions have been put forward, but a decision is unlikely until after next year's general election.
Economic deflation and political disillusionment, climaxed by the government's defeat at the general election.
In the general election, voters make the final determination from among the party candidates listed on the ballot.
在大选中, 选民对选票上列出的候选人作出最后的选择。
For a start, Mr Lee will retain the parliamentary seat that he won, uncontested, in the general election on May 5th.
Chuan Leepai said he has not decided when to dissolve the Parliament and hold the general election ahead of schedule.
Democrats are the ones at risk in the general election because Republicans are simply more energized, said Wasserman.
Since there was soon to be a general election, the Prime Minister decided that a change of policy was politically expedient
And in the general election, it's the citizens who get to vote, but in the Lester election, it's the Lesters who get to vote.
在大選中,是由公民投票 但在萊斯特選是由萊斯特們投票
After his television appearance, Mr Blagojevich will next star in court, with his corruption trial scheduled smack in the middle of the general election campaign.
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