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单词 foot step 例句大全,用单词foot step造句:

Take a step front foot towards your teammate, and extend your arms.
Next, step forward with the forward foot and cut down with the hand.
Its important to step off on the right foot when you are in anew unit.
Man, youre really aggressive! Step on someones foot and they go berserk!
It is not as mediocre as the hills cowardly, it is easy to step on foot.
And heel is low just before the foot is exact all of the step is reached
Step out with your left foot, keeping your knees bent in the squat position.
左脚向左迈出, 保持双膝弯曲成下蹲姿势。
Jerry Man, youre really aggressive! Step on someones foot and they go berserk!
The soldiers kept in stet in step until they reached the foot of the mountain.
It’s even colder than yesterday. I don’t even wanna step foot outside. Brrrrr
Jerry Man, youre really aggressive! Step on someones foot and they go berserk!
Walk on the zebra crossing step by step with rear foot tip against the front foot heel.
If I can manage it, I enjoy the occasional day when I never step foot out of my apartment.
The foot leaves the soft sound of Shua Shua blanket step up, giving an endless reverie added.
First, try this without your hoop With your left foot planted firmly, step right foot forward.
For this, the again much foot bat on the Shi Dao of stalagmitic street goes step, also be without noise.
为此, 石笋街的石道上再多的脚板子走踏, 也毫无声响。
Are people becoming more rude? Before when someone would step on your foot on the subway they would at least say sorry. Lately it seems no one even bothers.
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