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单词 following form 例句大全,用单词following form造句:

Please press the following links to download the examination form and examination handbook.
Terminology and culture, such as the shadow of the following form, will not separate forever.
Applicant should read through All the following points before filling in the application form.
申请人应细阅以下所有事项, 方才填写申请表格。
In the following, guideline values for the dimensional, form and running accuracy are provided.
下面提供的是尺寸, 形状与运行精度的推荐值。
Takes the form of diarrhoea following ingestion of the oil in the flesh and bones of gempylids.
在摄取带鰆鱼肉跟骨头内的油脂后, 引起腹洩的形式。
Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the phrases from the box.
阅读下面句子, 并用方框中短语的正确形式填空。
More than a million blind warriors form the vanguard of the forest following their noses to their prey.
Claimant may use the following declaration form to make statutory declaration for the evidence of claim.
索偿人可使用以下的声明表格作出法定声明, 作为申索理据。
Exercise III Finish the following sentences by using correct infinitive form of the verbs in the bracket.
They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause I translate the sentence as the following
The application form for the establishment of a sole proprietorship enterprise shall set forth the following
The authorities kept a close watch on every airport and seaport following the escape of the prisoners form jail.
Following years of wage restraint, Germany has reaped the benefits in the form of a remarkable number of new jobs.
在施行了多年的限薪之后, 德国新就业岗位大幅增长。
Six persons will get some discount. Please confirm in the feedback form and remit the fund within three following days.
The inverted arch shall be provided closely following the lower bench and be closed in time to form a stable support system.
If you already have a Loyalty Card, but want to ask us a question or let us have your comments, please fill the following form.
英文例句大全为您提供following form英文例句大全,following form英文造句,关于following form的英语句子,单词following form怎么造句,following form英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于following form,英语单词following form的句子,单词following form如何造句,following form怎么造句等。

单词 following form 释义



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