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单词 fold up 例句大全,用单词fold up造句:

These bunks can tip up and fold back into the wall.
now fold up the bottom hem of the flap pin and sew.
Most umbrellas fold up, so it's easy to carry them.
大部分的伞可折叠, 所以携带方便。
Most umbrellas fold up, so it is easy to carry them.
大部分的伞可折叠, 所以携带他们很容易。
To save place, we fold up the table after each meal.
George had a car that could fold up into a Briefcase.
I fold up and put into an envelope a poem without words.
我匆匆叠起这张纸, 将一首无字的诗塞入信封。
Pinch up a fold of skin, make a matchbox stick on your hand!
Then put the filling in the center of a wrapper and fold it up.
然后把馅放到皮儿中, 把它包起来。
you laser cut it, laminate it, and you fold it up into a robot.
They fold their forest round their feet; And bolster up the sky.
Would you fold up the garden chairs and put them in the storeroom
He's layman out and out, so you'd better not let him fold things up.
Learn to fold up army quilt. Can you fold it as a diamond like this?
This stroller is easy to fold up and put away with a one hand motion.
Whip up the cream and fold in mascarpone cheese with green tea powder.
Some lifts have rails that can fold up at the bottom if space is tight.
What he ought to do,he thought, was to fold up the Marliss Corporation.
Cruelly fold her twice wings, tied up her hand and foot with the fetter.
残忍地折去她的双翅, 用锁链束缚了她的手脚。
This is a folding table. You can fold it up and lean it against the wall.
Fold up four pieces of air cap into the bottom of box, bubble facing outside.
折叠好四块气泡垫放入箱底, 气泡面朝外。
Thus, a formed net cover can cover and fold up to trap the mosquito like a clamp.
Fold forward again, sending your breath to your hips to help them warm up and open.
再次向前伸展, 把呼吸松到臀部, 预热并打开髋关节。
Fold bottom third of the rectangle up toward the centre, and brush off any extra flour.
Fold the long left edge of the pillowcase just past the center of the pillowcase, lining up the top edges.
将枕头套左边折叠到刚过中心, 上下对齐。
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单词 fold up 释义

  • 单词释义:(因痛苦)不能支撑;倒塌;垮掉;(把…)折叠起来  [更多..]



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