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单词 fluttering 例句大全,用单词fluttering造句:

Man of the flowers fluttering in the air, the red banner of the tireless running.
The women were all fluttering about finishing their preparations for the wedding.
He still clutched fluttering papers with both hands and the pen was above his ear.
Autumn leaves camphor tree as the color of butterflies fluttering down, like dancing.
秋天, 香樟树得叶子像飞舞得彩蝴蝶一样翩翩落下。
Natural god Xiu, Scenery fluttering flags, Is known as Heaven on earth Fine reputation.
Seen fluttering colorful flags, colored business slogans, banners fluttered in the breeze.
Shuiping Gong may stand between the Palace and the Beas, fluttering snow, ice and farewell.
似立于水瓶宫与双鱼宫之间, 白雪飘飘, 与冰河告别。
She was pleased with her daring and generous impulse, but her heart was fluttering in anxiety.
A door wall Capon each decorated with five fluttering bat, a symbol of the Five quick succession.
门墙上一对瓷盆中各饰有五只飞舞的蝙蝠, 象征着五福临门。
Mandrax powder Mandrax Poly, fluttering long, gently Yingying, the land is welldeserved masterpiece!
忽聚忽散, 飘飘长, 轻轻盈盈, 土地是当之无愧的杰作!
Yet she had evidently nothing of the fluttering, flapping quality of a morsel of bunting in the wind.
The light of bombard of fluttering illuminated the whole cave and shone upon two shadow returns sway.
摇曳的火光照亮了整个山洞, 映照着两个影子来回摆动。
With red flags fluttering everywhere in celebration of the festival, the square looked truly magnificent.
Shook falls fell on the ground in the early morning, the logging sound Ding Ding was fluttering the glen.
震落了清晨满披着的露珠, 伐木声丁丁地飘出幽谷。
Color flags of many nations, Fluttering towards the wind, Foreign language and capital, Pouring into China like flood.
The military officer flies the flag with his hand when the national anthem begins, with the national flag fluttering against the wind.

单词 fluttering 释义

  • 单词释义:飘动( flutter的现在分词 );(心)快速跳动;振翼,拍翅膀  [更多..]



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