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单词 force down 例句大全,用单词force down造句:

How long can a small force of mercenaries hold down an entire people
How long can a small force of mercenaries hold down an entire people?
This photo do justice to the force of water beating down on the camera.
Take a deep breath in as quickly as you can, to force the diaphragm down.
尽可能快的深呼吸, 强迫隔膜下降。
All Ion disruption field generators are destroyed. The force field is down.
The reasons usually just boil down to the gavage, which is the force feeding.
Barely able to force down one small meal a day, I rapidly began losing weight.
每天勉强能吃下一小碗饭, 我的体重开始迅速的下降。
Downsizing the work force is the better way to cut down the cost of production.
Basically you take a goose or a duck and you force feed a ton of grain down its throat.
你抓着鹅,或是鸭 然后把大量的谷物往它脖子里倒
This procedure does not involve any force pushing down the spinal column around the apex.
在这过程当中, 顶椎周围的脊柱不承受任何外力。
Recently, the labor force cost in the printing industry has been going down continuously.
近年来, 印刷工价持续走低。
Estimation of Impulsive Force for Chimney Toppling down to the Ground in Directed Blasting
There is no point in trying to force abstract information down the throats of young children.
When he saw the mountain torrents rushing down with a devastating force, he was consternated.
看到山洪来势凶猛时, 他惊慌失色。
The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.
and dropping her sunshade , nana crouched down in the mire under the full force of the downpour.
If there had been a net force, then indeed it would also go down, if this force were larger than this.
如果没有净力, 那就不会下降了, 如果那个力大于这个。
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