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单词 Forbidden City 例句大全,用单词Forbidden City造句:

From then on, Manchurian appeared on the horizontal board of Forbidden City.
从此, 紫禁城的匾额上出现了满文。
Construction will begin with the building of the Forbidden City gates in2015.
Cheese River Forbidden City moat, length 3. 5 km, surface width of 52 meters.
筒子河紫禁城的护城河, 全长3。5千米, 水面宽52米。
The Forbidden City Forbidden fruit Forbidden zone forbid, prohibit, interdict
After passing through the doorway, you can see the gate of the Forbidden City.
It was forbidden to laboring people in the past, hence the name the Forbidden City.
He once hold three hot pot banquets in the forbidden city for aging senior officials.
The Imperial Palace is also called Forbidden City. Its Construction was begun in 1420.
The Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City is the place where the death penalty was executed.
In the times of the emperors, the formality within the Forbidden City was rigid beyond belief.
This is one of the watchtowers on the four corners of the wall surrounding the Forbidden City.
紫禁城垣得四隅, 各建有一座角楼。
Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family, it is the dominant color in the Forbidden City.
Now the Forbidden City is not forbidden any more, but welcomes visitors from all over the world.
We went first to the Forbidden City. Afterwards, we went to Coal Hill behind the Forbidden City.
我们先去了故宫, 随后还去了后边得景山。
Beijing has many tourist attractions, such as the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and so on.
The largest palace of the world, the Forbidden City, is located on the central axis of Beijing city.
世界上最大的皇宫 紫禁城,坐落在京城的中轴线上。
The Forbidden City got its name by forbidding common people to enter unless they were given permission.
He works at the Forbidden City and knows a lot about ancient calligraphy and paintings of famous people.
Historical Resources on the Westerners Served in the Forbidden City before the Reign of Emperor Jia Qing
The Forbidden City is in the middle of Beijing, and the Great Wall is at northeast, 110km away from Beijing.
紫禁城在北京的中部, 长城在北京东北部110公里处。
The last emperor, Pu Yi, quietly took the painting with him when forced to leave the Forbidden City in 1922.
The last emperor, Pu Yi, quietly took the painting with him when forced to leave the Forbidden City in 1924.
You know what? Now it is the perfect time to watch the sunset over the Forbidden City in the upstairs cigar lounge.
His insistence that costumes be remade in Ming rather than Tang dynasty style, in keeping with the Forbidden City's vintage, added $330,000 to the tab.
Though Puccini had never visited the Middle Kingdom --he based his opera about a cruel princess on an Italian fairy tale--the story is meant to unfold in the Forbidden City.
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