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单词 flaw detection 例句大全,用单词flaw detection造句:

This old pot was proved to be perfect by flaw detection.
经过探伤检验, 这个古罐被证明是完好无损。
Analysis on Ultrasonic Flaw Detection of Generator Retaining Ring
Development of a New Test Carriage for the Rail Flaw Detection Car
An analysis of the threading bar method of flaw detection by magnetic particles.
Discussion on Ultrasonic Flaw Detection of Brake Beam Compression Channel Roller
Simple discussion on ultrasonic flaw detection for weld seam at pipe seat corner
Analysis of the Electromagnetic Flaw Detection on the Brake Beam Strut in Overhaul
Study on the quality inspection of hard metal cubic anvil by ultrasonic wave flaw detection
Discussion of Supersonic Flaw Detection on Wheelsets of Passenger CarsEquipped with Disc Brake
Ultrasonic testing is an important flaw detection technology of oil and gas pipeline girth welds.
Research and application of sucker rod head automatic flaw detection machine of fluorescence magnetic particle.
So, the continuous casting was improved, the qualification rate of wide plate during flaw detection was increased.
于是对浇注过程作了改进, 使宽厚钢板探伤合格率提高。
Supersonc flaw detection and judgement and analysis of cracks of wheel tyres without dismantlement for existing diesel locomotives
The materials are subjected to flaw detection before being wound, and are subjected to the initial transverse wave ultrasonic examination.
材料在卷制前要进行探伤, 并首次采用横波超声检查。
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单词 flaw detection 释义

  • 单词释义:探伤检验,裂缝检查  [更多..]



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