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单词 flat top 例句大全,用单词flat top造句:

A piece of furniture having a smooth flat top supported by one or more vertical legs.
Skull and Muzzle Top of skull should be flat, showing no prominence at nuchal crest.
A short haircut in which the hair is brushed straight up and cropped flat across the top.
Rounded brimless hat fitting the crown of the head. a brimless Scottish cap with a flat top.
For delivery of open top, flat and platform containers, quotation will be furnished upon request.
开顶箱 平板箱运至展台服务,费用另作报价。
The interval block groups are arranged on the top of the flat plate frame and correspond to the type of the container.
Description Solid or Printed Flannel Sheet Set with 2 inches hem on the top of the flat sheet and each opened side of the pillowcases.
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