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单词 finish end 例句大全,用单词finish end造句:

The close or last part the end or finish.
Inert the boning, and finish the open end.
To make a finish, an end, or a conclusion.
总结结束, 结尾或总结
To make a finish,an end,or a conclusion.
I expect to finish the work by end of August.
I will finish my essay at the end of this year.
We shall finish the civil work by the end of the year.
By the end of term, Professor Watson had a finish product.
在学期末, 沃森教授已经有了一部完整的作品。
To finish the work by the end of next month seems to be a problem.
Until the end of this term, we will finish learning two text books.
到这个学期末为止, 我们将学完两本书。
Make sure you manage to finish this work before the end of the month.
We will finish our schoolwork by the end of the year after the next year.
You know it's the end of the school year. I'd better to finish it up ASAP.
你知道这是所有学校的学年末了, 我得尽快把这事定下来。
According to the contract, we must finish the project at the end this year.
按照合同, 我们必须在年底完成那项工程。
She was working like old boots to finish the task before the end of the day.
她在竭尽全力拼命干, 想在一天内完成任务。
One way or another I'm going to finish this work before the end of the week.
One way and another I'm going to finish this work before the end of the month.
It is promising that we will be able to finish the task by the end of the year.
We need to buckle down and get started. We have to finish this by the end of the month.
Make a narrow tube to fit over the boning from lightweight lining. Inert the boning, and finish the open end.
They are trying to push aside all obstacles and difficulties to finish the task by the end of the end of the month.
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