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单词 finger hold 例句大全,用单词finger hold造句:

Can I use the Wuxi finger hold on'em
Hold the material between finger and thumb.
The police have only one finger print to hold on.
The police have only one finger print to hold on to.
And Po ultimately defeats him using the secret Wuxi Finger Hold.
Hold the bottom one between the thumb and set on the ring finger.
She would hold her course all day, with a finger to the wheel now and again.
Hold out your hand please. I'm going to take a small sample of blood from your finger.
Alright, so we take our finger, put it on the side, and we sort of hold it just like this
好的, 我们拿开手指, 放到一侧, 有点儿像这样抓住
Hold the front of the knot loosely with your index finger and bring the wide end down through the front loop.
用食指把打好的结弄松, 然后把宽的一头穿过前面的环。
英文例句大全为您提供finger hold英文例句大全,finger hold英文造句,关于finger hold的英语句子,单词finger hold怎么造句,finger hold英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于finger hold,英语单词finger hold的句子,单词finger hold如何造句,finger hold怎么造句等。

单词 finger hold 释义



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