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单词 head set 例句大全,用单词head set造句:

head set
double head set.
generate on set water head
fetal head blood collecting set.
Her hat was set squarely on her head.
Chu set fire dragon head for Fangmu structure.
巨龙头上镶有火珠, 为仿木结构。
And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head.
我说, 要将洁净的冠冕戴在他头上。
Autonomy really set the vision for where we wanted to head.
set the hair on fire and slash the ashes back onto his head.
Add Bluetooth icon to dial screen while head set profile is connected.
A groove inside the end of a barrel or cask into which the head is set.
Her hair was simply drawn into a bun set high on the crown of the head.
There's a head set plug in the armrest for you to enjoy music or movies.
So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.
王就把王后的冠冕戴在她头上, 立她为王后, 代替瓦实提。
Set head pressure, split flow, and septum purge flow to appropriate levels.
设置相应的柱头压, 分流比 , 隔垫吹扫。
How does ability remove every day irritated head. Set his mind at to sleep ?
He was determined to escape abroad because the police set a price on his head.
Be sure to confirm that the machine head support bar is properly set in place head.
放倒缝纫机时, 请一定确认机台上的机头支撑杆是否安装着。
Top view of fluted socket head set screw. Selection box represents thread diameter.
To finish the head and set the hairs, you will need to use the face brush once again.
The mechanism on hot set method for bit head and bit body of the shearers is proposed.
She will set a garland of grace on your head and present you with a crown of splendor.
她必将华冠加在你头上, 把荣冕交给你。
He set the roan at the jump for the third time, hitting him over the head with his crop.
Top view of bevel headed, hexagonal head set screw. Selection box represents thread diameter.
Skirt is installed in the settlement under the head, internal set six group cyclone separator.
裙座安装在沉降器下封头处, 内部设置六组旋风分离器。
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单词 head set 释义

  • 单词释义:(头戴式)耳机,听筒  [更多..]



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