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单词 harbour city 例句大全,用单词harbour city造句:

Walk to Harbour City, across from the Star Ferry Pier.
Semarang is the capital city of Middle Java and has a harbour.
三宝垄是爪哇首府, 同时也是重要港口。
Shop2416, level two, gateway arcade, harbour city, tsimshatsui, kowloon
Mei foo sun chuen, riviera gardens in tsuen wan, city one shatin, harbour heights in north point and park vale in quarry bay
Rickshaw coolies were always in demand, hawker jostled for favoured stations on pavements and coolies worked long hours conveying the citys merchandize from the harbour to city stores.
黄包车夫总是很抢手的, 叫卖小贩为了一个更好的位置争夺。
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单词 harbour city 释义

  • 单词释义:海港城(地名,位于香港尖沙咀)  [更多..]



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