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单词 hard wood 例句大全,用单词hard wood造句:

In addition, the wooden structure, with copper and iron wood made of hard texture.
另外, 木结构建筑, 用铜铁木做成, 质地坚硬。
Hard tough elastic wood of the lemonwood tree; used for making bows and fishing rods.
Nondestructive estimation of fiber length from hard wood by near infrared spectroscopy
West Indian shrub or small tree having leathery saponaceous leaves and extremely hard wood.
Study on the Mechanism of Pretreatment of Hard Wood Cellulose Treated by the Steam Explosion
Clematis florida and its cultivars should be pruned hard as they produce flowers on new wood.
High density is popular to say that the production of wood raw material quality of a material is hard.
During the day the Soldier made the Horse work hard on his farm, carrying loads of wood and pulling heavy wagons.
During the day the soldier made the horse work hard on his farm, carrying loads of wood and pulling heavy wagons.
白天, 士兵让马在农场里干重活, 不是驮木头, 就是拉大车。
Factors Influencing the Survival Rate and Shoot Growth of Berberis thumber DC. F. Atropurpurea Rehd. Hard Wood Cutting
The wood of any of these trees, especially the hard, closegrained wood of the sugar maple , often used for furniture and flooring.
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单词 hard wood 释义

  • 单词释义:硬材,阔叶树材  [更多..]



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