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单词 hardships 例句大全,用单词hardships造句:

The mild stimulant makes the hardships of life in Mogadishu feel more bearable.
Help us cultivate capacity, the capacity to deal with difficulties and hardships.
The clergymans health is so inadequate to sustain the hardships of a forest life.
Their friendship deepened after working together through hardships for many years.
However, we are aware of the hardships that some of you are trying with our product.
然而, 我们的艰辛知道, 你们当中有些人对我们的产品尝试。
We have to undergo countless hardships and tremendous sacrifice to achieve any success!
The team cooperates good, bears hardships and stands hard work, sense of responsibility.
团队协作佳, 吃苦耐劳, 责任心强。
Even though there are myriad hardships and hazards, they can't stop the dauntless explorers.
In his adolescent years, the successful businessman claimed, he had undergone many hardships.
这位成功的商人声称, 在他的青少年时期受过很多磨难。
Even though there are myriad hardships and hazards, they cant stop the dauntless prospectors.
纵有千难万险, 也挡不住英勇的勘探队员。
You may say, I am boycotting advertisement all the time, and Achillean hardships is not appeared.
For the woman, she has started pregnancy, filled with creating and hardships and dangerous route.
而女人则开始了她孕育生命, 充满创选和艰险的旅程。
As long as people have beliefs and pursuits, they can bear any hardships, and adapt to any situations.
This reduces base of ingot hardships, cotton from cotton spinning enterprise injury farming sees spot.
But I am diligent modestly, bear hardships and stand hard work, have the very good environment adaptiveness.
但我谦虚好学, 吃苦耐劳, 有很好的环境适应能力。
All previous classics innumerable trials and hardships, she became a of Muscovite university female Master finally.
You are sick of prosperity and indulgence. Cannot you invent a few hardships for yourself, and be contented to stay.
If one had experienced great hardships and sorrow in youth, one would not be daunted by storms and frost in old age.
After, many hardships, Qiang wa and Long Hua reached the top of the Loong Ax Mountain. There they saw a small temple.
They understood eventually, want a head only vivid, agree to bear hardships, Move clod to be able to become rich euqally.
他们终于明白了, 只要脑袋活, 肯吃苦, 搬土块一样能致富。
When he was a child, he had many hardships, due to the poor financial situation of his family, but now it is much better.
However, at this time of economic downturn, it is our responsibility to help relieve the hardships faced by the community.
Meeting with him after several years and seeing his old and wizened appearance reveals the hardships he's had over the years.
The power which supports a soldier to take action is belief. Thus, he can bear all hardships and pains to achieve the goal he has chosen.
Can bear hardships and stand hard work, accepts the ability to the newthing to be strong, has the social class arise suddenly the event theability.

单词 hardships 释义

  • 单词释义:艰难( hardship的名词复数 );困苦;艰难情况;艰辛  [更多..]



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