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单词 identical element 例句大全,用单词identical element造句:

Not all of the atomic nuclei of an element are identical.
Each element is completely identical, and they're biased.
Each element is composed of identical atoms of a single kind.
Instruction duplicates the top element of the stack, and leaves two identical values atop it.
指令重复堆栈的顶层元素, 并且将两个相等值留在堆栈顶部。
The numbers of physiological groups of bacteria nutritive element is identical in polluted waters and soils.
在不同废水处理系统中, 细菌生理群的数量差异较大。
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单词 identical element 释义

  • 单词释义:单位元素;恒等元素;同一元件;鉴别元件  [更多..]



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