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单词 I've 例句大全,用单词I've造句:

I used your computer. And I'm afraid I've erased your personal files accidentally.
And I've been happy to let you do it because I've been this selfish, spoiled brat.
If I've caused any offence over something I have written, I will happily apologise.
I've accurately described the Administration policy and I support it wholeheartedly.
You know, I've lived with this bitterness so long, I think I'd be lonely without it.
I certainly have heard about her breakup and I wish her the best, as I've always done.
I've not had much contact with Denilson, apart from when we've faced each other pitch.
我与德尼尔森没有过太多接触, 除了在比赛场上对阵过。
I haven't heard any news whether or not I've been given the promotion I was asking for.
到底能否如己所求地升官, 我是一点风声也没有。
And I'll be asked the same questions that I was asked the last few times I've been there.
I've cheated on my wife a lot in the past, but I've never really had an affair, you know.
I've rescued children as young as three years, and I've rescued women as old as 38 years.
我拯救过小至三岁的孩子 我也拯救过40岁的妇女
You may think that I've cheated, that I've put a little whiter than white boundary there.
I've lived abroad before, and I really enjoyed the challenge of adapting to a new culture.
But I'm 50 years old, and I'm going to admit to you that I've never had a drop of alcohol.
我今年五十二了 我要向大家承认 我从来没有喝过一滴酒
I've encountered your son's martial arts skills, and I sincerely acknowledge his superiority.
I’m so bored that I’ve resorted to watching reruns of Friends. What am I doing with my life?
And I've tried, I've met them a few times, tried asking them, and they aren't revealing anything.
I've been to Qingdao before, so I'll choose Dalian. I've heard that the environment there is very good.
And this is, today, the first time in any sort of public setting I've ever acknowledged the journey that I have been on.
今天 是我第一次 在公共场合 讲述我的经历
Ever since I came back to America, I’ve been eating way too much, up to 5 times a day. I just feel bloated all day lol
I've always wondered why I behaved the way I did. Then I read a children's book called Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.
I can tell you I've no intention of letting her slip away from me,and I'll bet my bottom dollar she's not going,either.
I really enjoy cooking these days. I’ve been watching Jamie Oliver’s video podcasts and I’ve been learning so much. These recipes and tips are great! Oh, and I love his British accent.
I’ve been on a mission trying to lose weight. For the last month, I’ve been burning around 1,000 calories a day and guess what? I’ve barely lost any weight! So frustrating! It’s honestly making me feel discouraged right now.
I am completely and totally overwhelmed by all of the birthday love I’ve received over the past few days. I know most of us don’t talk as much as we should, but you all mean the world to me and I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such amazing friends and family.

单词 I've 释义



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