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单词 I'm 例句大全,用单词I'm造句:

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I'm a terrible bookkeeper.
说起来有点惭愧 我其实不是个好记账员。
I'm not afraid to take on a challenge. I'm not afraid to take a step.
我并不害怕接受挑战, 我并不害怕迈出这一步。
Where I'm losing so that I could win the battle that I'm fighting now.
I'm not advocating capitalism, I'm just pointing out their relationship.
I'm sorry I'm late, but perhaps I make amends for my keeping you waiting.
我迟到了, 不过也许请你吃一顿, 补偿我让你的久久等候。
I'm really sorry I'm late, Andrew. I forgot to set my alarm and I overslept.
Well, I'm sure that I can help, but I'm going to need you to help me help him.
那么, 我想我能帮帮他, 但我需要你来帮我去帮他。
Now look, I'm a technology fan, but I have to admit to you all I'm a little old.
我是一个技术发烧友,但我得承认 我年纪是大了点。
I'm booked up till the end of the months, I'm afraid I can't come with you guys.
Sometimes I feel my face gettin'so red that I'm so aggravated, I'm a total wreck.
有时我气得涨红了脸, 情绪坏透了, 人都要跨掉。
I'm crazy for you and I adore you! I've given you my heart and I'm a part of you.
Well, I'm going to apologize and then I'm gonna tell him that I made a huge mistake.
You see I'm having an affair, and you just assume I'm a bad person. and a dope fiend.
And when I'm not taking it out on the kids, I'm taking advantage of them. So I need help.
我不是在拿这些孩子出气 就是在利用他们,所以我需要帮助。
But I'm 50 years old, and I'm going to admit to you that I've never had a drop of alcohol.
我今年五十二了 我要向大家承认 我从来没有喝过一滴酒
I'm not going to read them all to you because I'm not in teacher mode, I'm in entertain, amaze mode.
我就不一一读了,毕竟我今天不是来教学的 我是来娱乐的
But I'm also the woman in the rig clothes, and I'm also the woman who was in the abaya at the beginning.
但我也是一个穆斯林女人 起初穿着长袍
"Can you help me moving to my new place tomorrow?""I'm afraid not, I'm really busy!"
My friends say I’m a fool to think that you’re the one for me, I guess I’m just a sucker for love.
I’m very lucky to have a mom who not only I love, but admire as well. I’m so proud to be your daughter.
I'm not saying that I'm not going to grow attached to the little bugger, I just don't have the motherhood gene.
When I'm making remarks, there must be some errors which I'm not aware of. I hope that you can point them out for me.
As you might imagine, I'm absolutely passionate about dance. I'm passionate about making it, about watching it, about encouraging others.
I 'm not advocating human genetic engineering as a good thing, I 'm just saying that it is likely to happen in the next millennium, whether we want it or not.
I’m so into yoga these days that it’s basically the only exercise I’m doing at the moment. Three days a week for 30 minutes and sometimes as long as an hour. I can’t get enough!

单词 I'm 释义



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