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单词 if clause 例句大全,用单词if clause造句:

If we go is a conditional clause.
But if you insist, we can make it a separate clause.
不过如果你方坚持, 我们可以单独列一项。
Will you mind if I asked you to revise the arbitration clause
If do not arise to repeat a value in great quantities, can consider to ravel clause.
如果不产生大量重复值, 可以考虑把子句拆开。
If a dependent clause precedes an independent clause put a comma after the dependent clause.
If no conditionis found to be true, then the casestatement will return the value in the ELSE clause.
如果没有找到为真的条件, 条件中值。
Do not use the commas if the clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence and cannot be taken out.
Suspect sth suspect sb. To do suspect sb. To be suspect that clause If you dont go, theyll suspect something.
如果你不去, 他们会产生怀疑。
However, if arbitration clause is included in the contract, the supplier shall not be determined to be one of the litigants.
但供货合同中有仲裁条款的, 则不应当将供货人列为当事人。
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