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单词 fuel gas 例句大全,用单词fuel gas造句:

And the home use energy conservation fuel gas stove has obtained the country technical monopoly.
Research and Development of Common Rail Electronic Control System for Fuel Containing Dissolved Gas
The utility model belongs to a fuel gas kiln which can fully utilize the residual heat of kiln smoke.
Natural gas will become the preeminent fuel of the 21 st century, according to widespread expectation.
The Production Practice of Using Mixed Fuel of the Coal with Smaller Particle Size in the Gas Generator
A relatively low fuel gas utilization rate should be selected for the combined power generation system.
Another fossil fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, is principally derived from the production of natural gas.
The fuel gas project means the construction project of fuel gas facilities and fuel gas supply stations.
Effects of closure delay for ESD valve on leaking process of natural gas pipeline fuel jettison shutoff valve
And then it makes natural gas, which then goes back into the city to power the fuel for the cooking for the city.
然后它产生天然瓦斯,再回到城里 作为炊煮用燃料。
The invention relates to a heat storage and flame stabilization device for improved fuel gas with low heat value.
The LNG automobile gas supply device comprises LNG cylinders and a carburetor which are connected through fuel pipes.
The results showed that the biomass gasification producer gas could be a kind of clean and renewable substitute fuel.
Periodic inspection and evaluation of steel gas cylinders for the on board storage of compressed natural gas as a fuel
The results have testified that fuel gas flow will considerably affect the wear resistance of the metallic card cloth.
The experimental investigation of the operational characteristics of fuel nozzle for a heavy gas turbine was performed.
The stack gas, to a great extent freed of fuel, passes to electric filter for aftercleaning and is emitted through the stack.
It could also alert the driver when the car is running low on fuel and then provide directions to the nearest gas station of the driver's choice.
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单词 fuel gas 释义

  • 单词释义:可燃气体,燃料气体  [更多..]



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