The mall has 69,490 sq. Ft. Of total floor area housing various shops and restaurants.
The horizontal heading changes 100 ft east over 1000 ft immediately south of the peak.
New way rearrange your furniture permanently to have easy access to a 5 ft by 6 ft area.
This beautiful humpback whale, less than30 ft. away, was now heading directly towards me!
The pole vault was never his favourite sport, and Thompson needed clear the bar at 16 ft.
Probably of Welsh origin, it was usually 6 ft tall and shot arrows more than a yard long.
The experiments were conducted in a wind tunnel at a location 50 ft downwind from the fan.
And as was typical with the Norden bombsight, the bomb actually missed its target by 798 ft.
如同其他的诺顿瞄准器一样 炸弹偏离的目标八百英尺
Shall be kept at least 20 ft. away from all flammable, combustible or incompatible substances.
应远离可燃, 易燃或性质相反的物质至少20英尺?
The shoppingmall scene in Police Story where I jumped onto the chandelier and slid down 75 ft..
在警察故事里的购物中心现场, 我跳上吊灯并下滑75英尺。
A major vertical fault scarp formed during the earthquake was less than 1000 ft from the spillway.
地震时形成的一个主要的垂直断层崖, 离溢洪道不到1000英尺。
It extends about 13 ft, from the jejunum to the ileocecal valve, where it joins the large intestine.
Amazon's warehouses are stocked with 4.4 million yards of ribbon and 7.8 million sq. ft. of wrapping paper.
Your three items end up in a 3-ft-wide chute and are placed into a cardboard box with a new bar code that identifies your order.
In the spring of 1987, O'Neal, then a 6 ft., 8 in., 15-year-old sophomore, transferred into a High School in San Antonio, Texas.