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单词 friend boy 例句大全,用单词friend boy造句:

You don't have a boy friend because of your lousy attitude.
Mary was all hot and bothered when her boy friend was late.
Mary is gambling on a marriage proposal from her boy friend.
She wishes her boy friend had not betrayed her last Christmas.
The poor girl found it hard to throw off her former boy friend.
In a word, my net friend is a nice boy, and we are good friends.
She was choused out of a large amount of money by her boy friend.
When the examination finished i received a call of my boy friend.
Alice was so happy that her boy friend made a hit with her parents.
The girl flirted with other men, stoking her boy friend's jealousy.
I just found out that my boy friend has been dating Mary on the sly.
I just found out that my boy friend had been dating Alice on the sly.
She quarreled with her boy friend and run outside aginst the downfall.
But the boy noticed that his friend seemed older, more easily fatigued.
小伙子发现他的朋友好像老了, 容易疲惫。
She likes to wear a diamond ring, which is the gift from her boy friend.
But the boy asked his friend to do him this favour every week and he did.
然而这个男孩每周都求他的朋友帮他做这件事, 他都照做了。
My friend examined the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him.
The Boy cheated his friend out of the apple by insisting that it was rotten.
这男孩硬说苹果烂了, 从他朋友处骗走了苹果。
The evidence given by his friend turned the scales, and the boy was set free.
Her boy friend doesn't have much money, so she insists go Dutch on most dates.
她的男友没什么钱, 所以大多数约会她坚持要各付各的钱。
It was Valentines day yesterday, Lucys boy friend brought her a bunch of red roses.
昨天是情人节, 露西得男朋友送她一束红玫瑰。
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