But for the majority of the population, learning Chinese is just a matter of fulfilling curriculum requirements.
The nation will not permit any further hesitation on his part or allow him any discount in fulfilling the terms.
We will support the government in fulfilling its legal functions and performing its official duties according to law.
支持政府履行法定职能, 依法行政。
Analyzed the Development Direction of Environmental Monitoring with the Pressure of Fulfilling the International Agreement
Acquiring Firmly, Fulfilling and Planning the Developmental Outlook on the Harmony and Coexistence Between Human and Nature
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豪华织锦布选用高针数比利时布, 提供睡眠舒适感受。
It should be interested in the best things in life, and it should be just as concerned with making the lives of normal people fulfilling.
应该对生活中最好的东西感兴趣 应该在关注病人的同时