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单词 French War 例句大全,用单词French War造句:

A French soldier, especially in World War I.
法国士兵, 尤指在第一次世界大战中
After World War I, Syria became a French mandate.
War of English, French, and Israeli Aggression against Egypt
Forgive them. Im at war with the French, as well as the Scottish.
饶恕他们, 我在和法国人打仗也和苏格兰人打过
But in French culture it symbolizes meanness, war, and evil women.
a French marshall who distinguished himself in the War of the Austrian Succession.
In World War Two, the Americans fought with the Britain and French against the Germans.
第二战中美国联合英, 法两国对德作战。
In World War two, the Americans fought with the Britain and French against the germans.
In World War II, the Americans fought with the British and the French against the Germans.
在第二次世界大战中, 美国和英法并肩作战, 打击德国人。
After the Opium War, the Qing Xianfeng eleven years later became the British, the French Concession.
On British, French and Dutch Cooperation and Conflicts in the Process of Returning to Southeast Asia after World War II
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