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单词 front door 例句大全,用单词front door造句:

However, proper clearance at the front door, he found himself holding the wrong bag.
但正当关前门时, 他发现自己拿错了皮包。
Back at the front door. I stop with the cold doorknob clutched in my even colder fist.
The Negro man went and out with the market basket, but the front door remained closed.
I stood at the front door and rang the bell several times, but the house seemed empty.
A police van drove through the protesters and backed up to the front door of the house.
With the kettle of boiling water in her hand, she moved quietly towards the front door.
与壶开水在她的手, 她搬出去了安静地朝前面的门。
Apparently, he simply put the painting under his shoulder and walked out the front door.
After a big breakfast in my house, I walk out of the front door and I', already at work.
We did not leave the front door unlocked, and the toaster not gonna burn the house down.
Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining room, there was a knock on the front door.
The Negro man went in and out with the market basket, but the front door remained closed.
黑人拿着购货篮进进出出, 可是前门却总是关着。
Speaking of lunch, it was time to go out the front door, head up Park Ave and go to lunch.
When you walk out of the front door, you can hop into a boat and Capri is 45 minutes away.
走出大门, 跳入游船, 45分钟后就可以抵达卡普里岛。
Remove the screw located above the front door speaker grille on the front door trim panel.
The front door of the building stood ajar, so I went up the stairs, rang the bell, and waited.
To most people, the appearance of a policeman at the front door is full of terrible implication.
就大多数人而言, 警察出现在前门总是一种。
St. Michael Earl Church owes its fame to the exquisite Statue of Archangel above its front door.
Ramesses ii constructed the first courtyard, to have the statue front door and the side steeple.
As youhead through the front door, more familiar smells consume your senses. Gosh, it feels good to be home.
I find a clean pair of socks with no holes and get dressed. I head out the front door. Theres time for breakfast.
我找了一双没洞的袜子穿上, 朝门口走去, 该吃早饭了。
Its the day before Thanksgiving, and the butcher is just locking up when a man begins pounding on the front door.
Bar patrons in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trotted in the front door.One man was attacked and slightly hurt.
在亚利桑那州, 一只野猫从酒吧前门冲过, 让顾客大吃一惊。
The fluffy calico cat who lived across the street was at the front door, front paws up on the screen, scratching.
Larger front door openings and rear doors open 78 degrees compared to current models for better access to the interior.
The fatherinlaw presently arrived, was greeted by the father with great affability, and invited to sit near the front door.
岳父很来来了, 父亲热情的接待了他, 请他坐在前门。
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