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单词 freezing point 例句大全,用单词freezing point造句:

The influence of different protecting liquid on jujube dongzao freezing point temperature is studied exploringly.
Evening temperatures drop to below freezing point in Yushu, and there was a little snow and sleet on Monday afternoon.
玉树的夜间温度降到零下, 周一下午还下起了小雪转雨夹雪。
Freezing point the cooling of crude oil into a solid by the liquid temperature at the time known as the freezing point.
Improving the Experiment of Determining Molecular Weight with Freezing Point Depression and Its Computer Data Acquistion
The freezing point of the modified bone glue produced by this technics is very low and the adhesive strength is very high.
所得到得改性骨胶粘合剂凝固点低 粘结强度高
英文例句大全为您提供freezing point英文例句大全,freezing point英文造句,关于freezing point的英语句子,单词freezing point怎么造句,freezing point英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于freezing point,英语单词freezing point的句子,单词freezing point如何造句,freezing point怎么造句等。

单词 freezing point 释义

  • 单词释义:凝固点,凝固温度  [更多..]



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