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单词 for good 例句大全,用单词for good造句:

With remission for good behaviour, he could be out by the end of the year.
But cardiac experts warned alcohol was not a panacea for good heart health.
James eventually returned to school, feeling he had beaten cancer for good.
It is an action plan boosting integration and seeking for good development.
Ruth has gone back to California for good. She will not return to the East.
They have to land and camp. What they could do is waiting for good weather.
A total of 103 beds are being closed for good because of a shortage of cash.
Unfortunately, the itchier ones will probably part with their cash for good, too.
The amount of money in the envelope usually ends with an even digit for good luck.
Let no man underrate our energies, our potentialities and our abiding power for good.
The owners burn it in metal cans in front of their stores and pray for good business.
The needs for good planning and appropriate architecture outside Addis are just as big.
The root cause of problems arose from systemic failures in capacities for good governance.
Business Office to bring in granite and ceramic tile for good tone should be concise, crisp.
Upper arm is about equal in length to the shoulder blade in order to allow for good extension.
上臂长度约等于肩胛骨, 以便为良好的扩展性。
The influence of the cavity profiles flow ratio is more significant for good fluidity of melt.
Transplant time before germinating, flowers or just to thank, before the exhibition leaves for good.
And for good measure, he spent several hours erasing all of his last appointments from his calendar.
It has been demonstrated the oil was rather switch for good electrical capability and less viscosity.
试验表明, 该油具有良好的电气性能, 粘度较小更适合于开关。
A prisoner may have his sentence reduced for good behaviour or be released on parole according to law.
Adverse selection occurs because the price of defaulting for bad borrowers is lower than for good ones.
Capital construction projects, which are to last for generations, call for good quality above everything else.
基本建设是百年大计, 要求质量第一。
The administrative organization in charge of roads, and public transportation are responsible for good transportation.
车场负责协调交通, 确保运输通畅。
I often went to bookstands to look for good books with my classmates while at university, and we were always satisfied.
He had intended to leave the band for good but changed his mind; he has managed to recruit some new guerillas for the expedition.
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