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单词 envy at 例句大全,用单词envy at造句:

At last, I thought, I have reached my goal! The whole world will envy me!
Answer Perhaps you envy me for being able to work at home on the computer.
也许你羡慕我, 因为我可以借助计算机在家里工作。
The cancer of envy was eating away at my flesh andand worst of all, my soul.
I envy Matthew that, at least, being able to look at the full of Hatties face.
我羡慕马修, 至少他能够看到海蒂的整个面庞。
I repine at the shortness of life, and envy the great river its eternal course.
The feeling of envy rankles in the breast of the boy,who lost the prize at school.
Golden Envy is a heart doctor at the university of Arizona, college of medicine in Tucson.
Edward I envy you. You know, I just started at the company so I dont have any vacation yet.
真羡慕你。我刚进公司, 还没有
His boss and peers will foam at the mouth with envy and plot revenge with all their free time.
Light rustic cunning are learning, Yulu who envy knowledge, the only intelligent person good at using the knowledge.
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