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单词 embarrassed 例句大全,用单词embarrassed造句:

I am no more embarrassed. I can take his hand and bravely walk in crowds.
His voice went off key and he was too embarrassed to look at the audience.
Zoikes, I'm a little embarrassed to admit how happy my three monitors make me.
哎呦, 这三台显示器让我快乐地都真有点不好意思了。
She even admitted that she was actually embarrassed for asking me for that hug!
I was too embarrassed to fit into my bathing suit and I got picked on, remember
He began to sing out of tune and he was too embarrassed to look at the audience.
他唱着唱着走了调, 窘得不敢往台下看。
B Shes too talkative. Everybody was looking at us yesterday. I felt embarrassed.
她太多话了, 昨天每个人都看着我们, 我觉得好尴尬。
They sat in embarrassed silence, watching the raindrops bruise the first flowers.
Social phobia is a strong fear of being judged by others and of being embarrassed.
Otherwise, the color of the nail between the color difference will be embarrassed.
There was no need to be embarrassed by bare walls, and no benefit in showing off gold.
When the subject of her boyfriend came up in the conversation, she got very embarrassed.
当话题转到她男朋友时, 她很难为情。
If the host hadn't persuaded him again and again, he would have been too embarrassed to eat.
But her boyfriend refused rudely before she said anything and this made us very embarrassed.
但那男的粗鲁地拒绝了我们, 我们很尴尬。
The speaker will certainly feel embarrassed when he sees that his audience do not look at him.
如果发言的时候听众没有在认真听, 演讲者会感到尴尬。
They were big and shy and embarrassed and very appreciative together of anything that happened.
I felt very embarrassed so I was ready to leave in a hurry without a word of apology or goodbye.
我十分尴尬, 于是就想立刻离去, 不道歉, 也不道别。
It UAS not the aluminum but the massive brass and bronze on the grass th ethv at embarrassed me.
When the businessman goes talking about collaboration, feel embarrassed at all let a family look.
有商家去谈合作得时候, 根本就不好意思让人家去看。
But Anna combine not ashamed embarrassed, return just expose that kind of the color of the grudge.
It would not have embarrassed him to bring together the Dauphin of Barabbas and the Dauphin of Herod.
Whenever I saw her, my gaze lingered, sometimes into a stare that would have embarrassed me had anyone noticed.
Bianca told me to ask some questions to the ladies, but suddenly, I am unaware of what to ask, I felt embarrassed.
主持人叫我向佳丽提问, 我一时不知道该问什么
The abdomen that the cloud just detects when having a meal is a little protuberant, feel embarrassed however inquiry.
Month of brocade drive whole remedy of totally embarrassed of with after decease return to house together in the brocade lotus.

单词 embarrassed 释义

  • 单词释义:局促不安的;为难的;尴尬的;窘迫的  [更多..]



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