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单词 duck by 例句大全,用单词duck by造句:

Feeding Effect of Meat Duck with Rice Straw Fermented by a Combination of Five Bacteria Strains
The problem of tearing film and dislocation in the hill seeder by the duck mouth roll was solved.
hook the duck by the neck , spread diluted maltose over it. hang the duck in an airy place to dry.
然后用钩子勾住脖子, 再在鸭皮上涂上一层淡的麦芽糖。
In despite of doing their utmost to avoiding treading, and yet the first woman unfortunately tread a duck by accident.
renowned at home and abroad by the reputation The Peking roast duck is Beijing famous food, it has luster red colorful.
The little boy spends his money like his playing duck and drake. His parents spoilt him by giving him too much pocket money.
Desalination of Salted Duck Egg White by Ultrafiltration and Research the Functional Characteristics of Desalted Duck Egg White.
Salted duck egg is a kind of famous Chinese traditional egg product, which is loved by masses of consumers in our country, and at present the production and consumption amount is very large.
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