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单词 drum up 例句大全,用单词drum up造句:

Working up a rhythm on his drum, he softly sings a Muslim hymn.
有节奏地敲着鼓, 他轻轻唱起穆斯林圣歌。
The lawyers make nothing, but use the service to drum up custom.
The UN launched a major airlift and tried to drum up donor support.
We've leafleted the university today to try to drum up some support.
The kick drum may have a pillow resting up against the inside bass drum head.
The President is attempting to drum up public support for his economic program.
Some retailers have even given gift cards away in an effort to drum up business.
一些零售商为了招揽更多的生意, 甚至赠送礼卡。
I have just started in a new role to drum up clients for a corporate consultancy.
我刚开始做一份新工作, 为一个公司顾问机构招徕客户。
The president is attempting to drum up the public support for his economic program.
During the season of Christmas each year, traders use their tricks to drum up their business.
The department store is offering reduction on many types of merchandise, in an effort to drum up.
The department store is offering reductions on many types of merchandise,in an effort to drum up business.
Crossing the bridge and going through the Drum Beating Cave leads one to the Half Way Up the Mountain Temple.
This four person band is made up of a saxophone player, a drum player, a harmonica player and a tambourine player.
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