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单词 drums 例句大全,用单词drums造句:

Effect on the deformation of the body of coke drums due to the ascending of supports
The whole airport rang with the sound of drums and gongs and the shouting of slogans.
Well, we'll ship the bichromate in steel drums and the chromic anhydride in oil cans.
Do not buy bags or drums have been turbid liquid bag of readytoeat products jellyfish.
She often gathered many witches in the palace to beat drums while singing and dancing.
This dance is accompanied by percussion instruments, including drums and coconut shells.
The verandah in front of our building had large drums set up for use as barbecue grills.
Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.
Their instrumentation consists of a trumpet, a trombone, a saxophone, a guitar, and drums.
他们的乐器有小号, 长号, 萨克斯管, 吉他和鼓。
The Research of Control Device Adjusting Constant Wire Tension with Two Wire Winding Drums
Inside the atrium there are three yellow drums raised above the floor on circular columns.
Music makes its way into the battlefield, in the form of bagpipes, drums, flutes and trumpets.
Sometimes they formed little bands with tin drums and penny whistles and paraded around the streets.
有时他们敲起锡皮鼓, 吹起小笛子, 组成小乐队游街。
An Exploratory Investigation of the Method for Evaluating Actual Water Levels in Vertical Steam Drums
There was a ruffle of drums from the street below, the tramp of feet, the admiring cries of coachmen.
下面大街上传来低沉的鼓声, 脚步声和马夫们赞赏的喊叫声。
By dawn Lord Guan and his commanders, waving flags and beating drums, were bearing down in large ships.
A small, highpitched, transverse flute used primarily to accompany drums in a military or marching band.
横笛一支小的高音度横笛, 主要用于军乐队中为军鼓伴奏
How many musicicans are there in your family? Two, My father plays the banjo and my sister plays the drums.
Days to pay two drums, taking advantage of revelry left Aheng assassin, ran to the sun and the moon Pavilion.
The fifteen drums of methyl alcohol, in addition to loose lids, are bulging. You might as well recooper them.
Is command playing drums, playing the main gongs, cymbals and cymbal is divided into two parts, played alternately on.
Safety assessment, countermeasures and cause analysis of injury accident by high temperature flue gas in cooling drums
Ancient Bronze Drums Culture in Southeast Asia and Its Significance in the History of Southeast Asian cultural Development
Brief Discussion on Salt Washing Process with Combination of Tanks and Drums, Countercurrent Backward Wash, Floatation and Separation
Pingtan (a form of storytelling and ballad singing in Suzhou dialect) is a general term for pinghua (storytelling as an entertainment) and tanci (storytelling to the accompaniment of stringed instruments and drums).

单词 drums 释义

  • 单词释义:鼓(名词drum的复数形式)  [更多..]



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