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单词 drunk driver 例句大全,用单词drunk driver造句:

Drunk Driver Arrested Twice In One Night
who is hit by a drunk driver 10 years ago.
The driver of the wrecked car was dead drunk.
出事故车的司机当时烂醉如泥, 神志不清。
The accident is charged on that drunk driver.
A drunk driver knocked down and killed two girls.
The driver was too drunk to understand what they said.
The wagon driver go drunk soon. A waitress wakened him.
A couple of deaf kids got mowed down by a drunk driver.
The drunken driver drove into a drunk who was dead drunk.
The driver was drunk that day and sent an old lady flying.
伺机喝醉了酒, 撞到了一个老太太。
Nothing could refute her testimony that the driver was drunk.
They were all drunk except for the driver, who was sober as a judge.
The driver was arrested and faces charges of drunk driving and speeding.
The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into the ditch.
The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly the deep ditch.
这个司机喝醉了, 他把年夜夫的车开进了一个年夜深沟里。
His driver's license was withheld by police for a drunk-driving offence.
The driver was drunk and drove the doctor s car directly into the deep ditch.
这个司机喝醉了, 他把医生得车开进了一个大深沟里。
And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.
就在一转眼工夫, 一位醉酒司机夺去了他的所有。
And in integrated in a second a drunk driver had taken entire body clear of him.
就在一转眼本领, 一位醉酒司机夺去了他的所有。
The Drunk-driver bites others while getting bitten himsel. We should make a scathing indictment of the unlawful action.
Two people according to are not bountiful, the shouting insults driver, the driver saw them to get drunk, has not paid attention.
Among the ' what ifs ' is whether he could have dissuaded Dodi from embarking on the lunatic ride with a driver who was drunk and on pills.
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