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单词 dress down 例句大全,用单词dress down造句:

This dress buttons down the front, but that one down the back.
这件衣服得钮扣是扣在前面得, 但那一件是扣后面。
I hear you have a broken nose down here. What's with the dress?
听说有人鼻骨骨折 礼服怎么了?
It's a good dress, but the waist down part seems too puffed up.
She left the bedroom to wash and dress in the bathroom down the hail.
Katherine pulled down her dress with sharp, decisive, warning movements.
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单词 dress down 释义

  • 单词释义:因某些场合的需要而穿得朴素些;责骂,斥责;训斥  [更多..]



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