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单词 dress up 例句大全,用单词dress up造句:

Be sure to tell him not to dress up. Its a casual party, you know.
It takes her quite a long time to dress up before going out every day.
To celebrate Halloween children dress up as witches, ghosts and devils.
in the regular world , halloween is when children dress up in costumes.
在常规的世界里, 万圣节时, 孩子们会盛妆出场。
Jingying small dewdrop, Camellia girl to dress up a beautiful and fresh.
Actors dress up like Americans and British soldiers and act out fighting.
The performers dress up as colorful statues and interact with the audience.
Jun Pyo and Jae Gyeong dress up as royalty to film a new Shinhwa commercial.
穿上皇家贵族服饰的俊表与在京, 一起拍了神话集团的广告。
Politicians dress up their ruthless ambition as a pursuit of the public good.
Kobayashi spent a lot of thought today dress up to come to animation festival.
Men no longer dress up as wpmen actresses have to perform some dangerous action.
当女演员必须表演某些危险情节时, 男人们不再化装成女人。
Jill ran up a costume for the party on her run the dress up for me in one evening
Various each faction, the youth dress up the Li beautiful woman concentration camp
各门各派, 青春靓丽美女集中营
She intended to dress up as a ghost and she had made her costume the night before.
她打算装妆成鬼的模样, 头天晚上她已经做好了化妆服。
But she still says that it really is the boxer in her photos of the fancy dress up.
The protestors chose to dress up in red to symbolize students that were in the red.
抗议者选择穿上红衣服, 用来象征负债得学生。
The person dress up slovenly and untidy, call to have the artist's qualities, deny?
Learn to dress up yourself, sloppy is not kind of cool but result of no cultivation.
要会装扮自己, 邋遢不是一个酷的表现, 是没教养的结果
She intended to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before.
Manning has dared to dress up before, donning wigs and mustaches to poke fun at himself.
Additional, set on shoe on the spherule of posse shagginess also is very modern dress up oh.
Some conservative newspapers have tried to dress up the delegation as treachery to democracy
Accordingly its dress, dress up, the figure that conduct behavior matters to a company directly.
Of the pants in the Tshirt and bullpuncher concise dress up need bright color to break insipid feeling.
Guest pattern plate and dress up, basically be to accomplish individuation, delicate change, classical change.
客模板与装扮, 主要是做到个性化, 精致化, 经典化。
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单词 dress up 释义

  • 单词释义:打扮;穿上特殊服装;(使)装扮成另一种样子;为取乐和假扮而穿别人的衣服;盛装打扮  [更多..]



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