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单词 drive at 例句大全,用单词drive at造句:

If she wanted to go anywhere at all she had to wait for her father to drive her.
A handsome manor house grew out of the darkness at the end of the straight drive.
At a signal from Darned, the cars started down the drive, sounding their Klaxons.
I decide to leave it at that and drive to Magdeburg. The second home of Bill Tom.
我打算离开并动身去他们的第二个家 马德格堡。
Players who want drive at the black tee must be under the permission of the club.
Wajda a third grader organized a shoe drive at his school and collected 509 shoes.
WHO CARES if you arrive ten seconds later at work? Why let the cars ruin your drive?
If you keep burning it at both ends like this, you are going to drive yourself crazy.
如果还像这样通宵达旦工作, 你会使你自己发疯的。
At present, AC motor drive speed control system has become the main stream drive area.
We stand on the embankment, at the following drive head, and breeding a sense of pride!
我们站在堤岸上, 看着下面人头传动, 自豪感又滋生了!
It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at one time.
Demonstration is past at the level of the oscillograph, to which was connected the drive.
Demonstration is past at the level of the oscillograph, to which was connected the drive.
Local businesses at first feared that metered parking would drive away existing customers.
He started to drive not long ago and he is still not good at controlling the steering wheel.
The braking has been one of important problem for electric power drive systems at all times.
A rotating device in a tape recorder used to drive the recording medium at a constant speed.
Hey. Have you tried to drive a truck on the damn ribe at 4 oclock in the morning without a handgun
The first Barbie's naissance of since day, it always at drive constantly improvement with creative.
If you love your mom and dad but they drive you batty, your resentment can eat away at your relationship.
如果你爱父母, 但他们让你抓狂, 你的忿怒会破坏你们的关系。
Please drive your car slowly along the special traffic lane into campus. Park your car at the right place.
A gearing device that causes the output drive shaft to rotate at a slower rate than the engine input shaft.
Those membership fees would be used to help drive down the price of items, which would be sold almost at cost.
Light kisses and the occasional flick of the tongue will drive her crazy, no doubt. Ah, arousal at its best.
Radiation Analysis at Far Sound Field for Thin Flat Plane Loudspeaker with One Point Drive and Four Corners Fixed
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