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单词 drive off 例句大全,用单词drive off造句:

Sing a song to drive off those feelings of sadness.
How do I know you won't just drive off with the cello
Does domestic to hit the target legend drive ten off ?
After reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off.
The cows were twitching their tails to drive off the flies.
Then they drive off and eat in their cars or wherever they like.
然后他们将车开走, 想在哪几吃, 就在哪儿吃。
A kiss off the backboard helps dissipate the energy of your drive.
打板进筐方式, 可以帮助化解上篮的冲力。
The concert was to kick off a nationwide voter registration drive.
On my next day off, I to go for a drive. That sounds really boring.
Students who have cars often drive to restaurants to lunch off campus.
I was about to drive off when I saw this huge lorry bearing down on me.
我正要驱车离开时, 看到这辆大卡车气势汹汹地向我冲来。
The soldiers kicked off the second round of the landmine clearance drive.
The ore was heated in the kilns to drive off water and carbonic acid gas.
矿石被放入窑里加热, 蒸发掉水和碳酸气。
If the flow of snobbish drive people to the king before they go off sixty.
势利驱人去若流, 君才六十便归休。
One is that early Europeans felt the sound helped to drive off evil spirits.
power take off, squared shaft drive. two stud flange without oil seal gasket.
Usually the first rescue chore is to copy data files off of the troubled drive.
And with four seconds on the clock in the extra period, Bryant's determined drive paid off.
加时钟上剩下四秒, 布莱恩特的积极跑动得到了回报。
Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair.
新娘坐上轿子后, 会燃放鞭炮驱赶邪灵。
The driller slowly hangs off the traveling block or top drive in accordance with the derrickman's or floorman's signal.
根据架工或钻工的手势, 司钻慢慢的下放游动滑车或顶驱。
Primary school grade four Pull a female the hand of the classmate, drive brush off, study result straight line descend!
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单词 drive off 释义

  • 单词释义:驾车离去;驶去;赶走;击退  [更多..]



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