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单词 Dubai 例句大全,用单词Dubai造句:

Smith returned from holiday in Florida but immediately jetted off to Dubai.
A partner company has an allocation of 400, 000 MT of Sugar at Dubai Warehouse.
我们一家贸易伙伴在迪拜仓库里有一批重400, 000吨得糖。
Dubai epitomizes the use of the built environment as a catalyst for investment.
The Biancocelesti will fly out to Dubai for a winter training camp on January 3.
The Biancocelesti will fly out to Dubai for a winter training camp on January 5.
But over the past few years Dubai has built a new financial centre from nothing.
但近几年在迪拜, 一个新的金融中心横空出世。
Already capital is fleeing the country, much of it reportedly ending up in Dubai.
所有货币汇率, 包括个人帐户的小额度过户, 都变得繁琐复杂。
On reaching Dubai the evacuees are taken straight to Dubai international airport.
Dubai attracts people from 202 nationalities, according to the Ministry of Labour.
The group has also slimmed down faster than the troubled Dubai World conglomerate.
Dubai, to me, is like a hand that supports anyone who wants to make things happen.
迪拜对我而言就是 一双支持任何人想做成大事的手
Given limited time for layover, we didnt venture out of the enormous Dubai airport.
There will surely come a day when Dubai runs the world's reserves of hyperbole dry.
Because of the torrid weather, the Dubai desert journey usually begins at nightfall.
Scientists in Dubai say they've successfully produced the world's first cloned camel.
Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two of seven semiautonomous emirates that make up the U. A. E.
The government government owns Dubai World and will take control of its restructuring.
政府是杜拜集团得主要债权人, 将会控制其重组。
Burj Dubai has now reached 141 storey,more storeys than any other building in the world.
Burj Dubai has now reached 141 storey, more storeys than any other building in the world.
迪拜塔有141层楼, 是世界上楼层最多得建筑。
The Dubai Shopping Festival and Dubai Summer Surprises are also awaited events each year.
The Dubai government itself is carrying 71 billion dirhams of debt, the prospectus says.
The same night the crown prince also held gala dinner with all the teams of the Dubai Cup.
A trip to Dubai at the end of March has long been in Allens planning for Fairy King Prawn.
Of course, Dubai was not alone in gathering debts debt during the easy credit years, there.
当然, 在容易贷款的时期里, 杜拜不是唯一在筹集债务的。
Dubai World is at the center of global concern that Dubai, the secondlargest sheikdom in the U.

单词 Dubai 释义

  • 单词释义:迪拜(阿拉伯联合酋长国的酋长国之一)  [更多..]



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