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单词 drop on 例句大全,用单词drop on造句:

Draw a tiger head on bottom as a signature when drop you a line.
Do the flowers never drop on the dust in soft death in your garden?
Research on dynamic velocity drop in rod bar and wire tandem rolling
Analysis of Call Drop Problem for Remote Access Server on Server Side
Thank God there was not a drop of rain on the actual day of our trip.
Analysis on the Breaking Causes for Drop Test on Continuous Cast Rail
Drag a video effect and drop it on a video clip on the timeline below.
I kept on asking myself, why the voltage drop to3 volts after the fuse.
Her tears drop a drop in on the phone, he thought it was a radio noise.
她的眼泪一滴一滴落在话筒上, 他却以为那是电波的杂音。
Drag a video effect and drop it on a video clip on the storyboard below.
You could have heard a pin drop on the band when this fellow signed off.
当这家伙挂线的瞬间, 你在频道上几乎可以听到一根针掉落。
Well, every time you get back at night, you drop your boots on the floor.
每当你半夜回家, 都把鞋子扔到底板上。
Besides these clip on hoops, you can get studs, dangles, and drop earrings.
Put a drop of blood on a test strip or in a test cassette, depending on kit.
Chemicals drop on the floor and spilled everywhere when a test tube smashed.
一根试管摔碎后, 内含的化学药物掉在地上, 并散落各处。
The influence of PVC on separation efficiency and pressure drop was analysed.
An early morning in early April, sunbeams drop on the ground like ice blades.
Hell drop 61 in the Mecca of basketball just as to put on a show for the fans.
On pulse form, ascendant edge of OK and independent setting and drop edge time.
在脉冲波形上, 可以独立设置上升沿和下降沿时间。
For drop test, please advise the material of the base the helicopter dropped on.
为跌落试验, 请提供基础材料, 这架直升机上投掷。
On International Flow of Trade Elements after WTO Entry Based on the Drop Theory
For example, rise will be drop on the ground everywhere when child learn to eat.
比如, 小孩子刚开始自己吃饭, 会将米粒吃得到处都是。
That is a drop of grain sacks from an aircraft to the hungry people on the island.
Paola got so angry yesterday when by mere accident, I drop the coffee on her shirt.
You can also and drop additional text to add to the text already on your clipboard.
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单词 drop on 释义

  • 单词释义:发现;找到;挑中;选中  [更多..]



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