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单词 drops 例句大全,用单词drops造句:

Aim The oral drops of dermatophagoides farinae for the inhibition of allergy was studied.
Study on the detection of bacterial amount in antibiotic eye drops by membrane filtration
You drop the mind, or it drops of its own accord because you have seen the futility of it.
Objective To observe and analyze the effect of Zhenqi eye drops on chronic conjunctivitis.
To prevent contamination of the ear drops, do not touch the applicator tip to any surface.
为防耳药污染, 切勿将滴耳器头端触碰任何物体表面。
The rain drops came down, in despair, like abandoned by the gods, landed onground any prepare.
雨水落下来, 绝望的, 像是被上帝遗弃了, 毫无准备地洒在地上。
Determination of acetaminophen in Tainuolin drops by high performance capillary electrophoresis
The onboard responder antenna drops into or near the rail top which cause the train digression.
车载应答器天线坠入铁轨或其附近, 导致列车脱轨。
The drops fed fears in industry and academia that US competitiveness would eventually be harmed.
Aim To study the preparation of dexamethasone and ephedrine nasal drops and its quality control.
The angel of the Eastern Gate put his wings over his head to shield himself from the first drops.
The concentrs you attain in the external carschfick with topical antibiotic drops is MUCH higher.
When the dew drops are brought on the top of my hair, I appear as if a pretty lotus full of tears.
鸟鸣把露珠带入我的发梢, 我就是一窝带泪水的荷露。
Makers of semiconductors, cars and electronic appliances registered the biggest share price drops.
They were then quarantined and administered nasal drops containing the commoncoldcausing rhinovirus.
Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity.
Drop Magazine Drops a Magazine from your ammunition belt. This is used to pass ammo to other Marines.
Determination of Trace Calcium in Pearl Eye Drops By Coprecipitation Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Armand stopped just short of the grave to wipe his face which was streaming with large drops of perspiration.
Systole presses heighten, diastolic pressure drops, pressing of arteries and veins also increases accordingly.
收缩压增高, 舒张压下降, 脉压也相应增大。
Step 1 Take a hot bath with 5 drops of essentialoil of Eucalyptus radiata and 3 drops of essential oil of tea tree.
Application of antibiotic ointments or drops to the eyes is generally effective in treating bacterial conjunctivitis.
To take advantage of when the temperature drops in the fall, geese and ducks gorge on food to prepare for the harsh realities of winter.
他等到秋天天气变冷时 鹅和鸭开始大量进食 为冬天做准备
In the present dissertation, the equilibrium shapes and shape evolutions of acoustically levitated drops are investigated experimentally and theoretically.
Application of Mathematic Model of Water Drops Random Spattering to Prediction of Rainfall Intensity Distribution in Deflecting Flood Release and Atomization

单词 drops 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)落下( drop的第三人称单数 );投下;(使)降低;减少  [更多..]



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