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单词 draught animal 例句大全,用单词draught animal造句:

The serfs could not aspire to buying farm tools, let alone draught animals.
农奴连买农具都不敢想, 更不用说买耕畜了。
All available manpower and draught animals were pressed into service.
I can bear the bad smell that cankered food gives out, but stink of your draught animals canopy more very.
我能忍受腐烂食物发出的臭气, 可你的牲口棚臭味更甚。
Take this rice chaff back to feed the draught animals.
Oxen are very good draught animals.
They will also provide feed for raising more draught animals.
The moving of heaveyduty weaponry has undergone the stage from the use of draught animals to mechanized haulage.
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单词 draught animal 释义

  • 单词释义:役畜,力畜;大牲口;挽用家畜  [更多..]



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