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单词 drastic reduction 例句大全,用单词drastic reduction造句:

If your reduction is severe, you might have to take more drastic action.
假如减薪的幅度很大, 你也许不得不采取更激进的行动。
If your pay reduction is severe, you might have to take more drastic action.
如果减薪的幅度很大, 你也许不得不采取更激进的行动。
They are working on drastic reduction of the population before climate change goes too far.
在气候进一步变化之前, 他们将对人口数量造成锐减。
One of the main achievements of trade liberalization has been a drastic reduction in tariffs.
The drastic reduction in the geometric dimension leads to great simplification in mathematical analysis.
Teacher attitudes have contributed, she says, to a drastic reduction in student participation in physical education.
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