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单词 due to 例句大全,用单词due to造句:

due to your actions to prevent them.
Never to say cry for any hurt due to any betray.
An Approach to the Syndrome of Tetany due to Sputum
What time does the train to New York due to arrive?
Pennant is now due to return to Arsenal on April 19.
Questions due to his negligence were certain to arise
All these have to Los Angeles due to the desert climate.
Due to heavy snow, seven airports had to be closed temporarily.
由于大雪, 七个机场被临时关闭。
The auction is due to end on August 22, according to the report.
Such orders are subject to approval due to limited availability.
The force due to the motion of molecules tends to keep them apart.
Due to the absence of many students, we have to put off the meeting.
由于很多学生缺席, 我们不得不将会议延期。
Due to days of fog, the airlines have no choice but to stop service.
由于连日大雾, 各航线不得不全面封航。
He has had to work late recently due to his abundant complex business.
由于事务纷杂, 他最近老是加班。
Due to this song, I like to use it on the background music for the ads.
Due to his reputation, he is able to acquire the most interesting cases.
According to the latest report,it will be delayed due to the bad weather.
The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss.
这套礼服已经被修改过很多次, 因为她得体重持续下降。
The administration was due to respond to this vexed question by April 15.
If are absent from work due to illness, you may be able to claim sick pay.
如果你因病不能工作, 你也许可以要求获得病假工资。
Analysis to Cause of Skip Falling Accident Due to Rope Break in Main Shaft
According to the latest report, it will be delayed due to the bad weather.
据最新的报道, 由于天气恶劣航班将延误。
The dust particles adhere to the fabric due to entrapment and surface forces.
He first apologized to me for being late due to the reception of his clients.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name Worship the Lord in holy array.
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单词 due to 释义

  • 单词释义:欠下债[账],应给予;由于;因为;应归于  [更多..]



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