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单词 dream on 例句大全,用单词dream on造句:

Gimme a kiss to build a dream on
给我一个香吻, 寄一个梦
In this dream, I was on a beach, at the ocean.
Do you ever dream of adventures on the high seas?
The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dream.
Separate also meaningful on both sides of the dream.
Appreciation on Poem and Ci in A Dream of Red Mansions
The boundary nature of the studies on Red Mansion Dream
Americans need a refresher course on the American dream.
As for a calculus of rational thought dream on Leibnitz.
而对于推理思维, 就继续莱布尼兹的梦想吧。
And offer my help based on the fact that I've had a dream.
The boy wants a real car for his tenth birthday; dream on!
The appearance of land on the horizon is every sailors dream.
Twenty four days from now the American dream is on the ballot.
现在距离大选仅剩二十四天了, 美国的梦想取决于投票结果。
The angel has eggs lilywhite On the liliad hull as a dream kite.
Dream nosegay, mean to have to get, the ability on good terms luck.
梦见花束, 意味着有所获, 能交好运。
Her biggest dream is to stand on the podium and conduct an orchestra.
I have a dream, that my fleet carry on the cargo acrossing the seven sea!
我有一个梦, 梦里我的船队满载货物航行在七大海洋!
On the other hand, he admires his strong will to make his dream come true.
然而, 他又很佩服盖茨比勇于实现梦想的意志力。
Then he'll get bored and move on to his new dream of becoming a beekeeper.
In my dream last night, I found myself calling for a rickshaw on the street.
I saw in my dream, and, behold, seven ears came up on one stalk, full and good.
以后我又梦见在一根麦茎上, 生出了七枝粗大美丽的麦穗。
Brief Comments on the Birthday Culture of the Elderly in A Dream of Red Mansions
By the tender age of only fifteen, Carmen was on her way to realizing her dream.
On the other hand, there is the least amount of authorial intrusion in the Dream.
While it doesn't cost a dine to dream, acting on your dreams can be pretty pricey.
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单词 dream on 释义



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