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单词 drink to 例句大全,用单词drink to造句:

And he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards.
Recently, I have to drink at many banquets, which is harmful to my nerves and health.
I'm sorry I accidentally spilled you drink, but there's no need to fly off the handle.
Terrible see, saying only is to drink water to be aspersed not carefully on the pillow.
又怕人看见, 只说是喝水不小心洒在枕头上。
One of the easiest ways to benefit from the properties of a herb is to drink it as tea.
Little will drink a liquor melancholy to ask my me to accompany you next time to drink.
Which was enough to persuade me never again to drink beer immediately after a treatment.
Do you love to drink alcoholic drink. Let me introduce some good wine and Vodka for you.
Sometimes I have to drink a little baby, because there is rock candy, baby quite drink of.
Good to drink it as an aperitif or to accompany shellfish, especially oysters, lobster, etc.
Drinkers are advised to take Maota i in small Sips, and not to drink it on an empty stomach.
茅台应该小口啜饮, 而且不能空腹饮用。
The funny light wear arm to squat down to drink beer to jilt poker in the shade under a tree.
The accompanying drink offering is to be a quarter of a hin of fermented drink with each lamb.
为这一只羊羔, 要同献奠祭的酒一欣四分之一。
They asked their accomplished coachman whether he would not step in and take somthing to drink.
Then but she immediately added a turn today not said to talk about business to take her to drink.
Yogurt can accelerate digestion in the bowels, and so is suitable for the elderly and children to drink.
The chancellor of the exchequer, by law, is allowed to drink alcohol to refresh himself during his speech.
The drink of exactitude method should be to go together with a salty biscuit to eat, slowly mastication, slowly drink.
正确的喝法应是配咸饼干吃, 慢慢咀嚼, 慢慢饮用。
She was glad to acquiesce, and even to go to bed, and drink watergruel, in order that she might possess her soul in quiet.
她就欣然默认, 索性躺上床, 喝稀粥, 图个心里安静。
He has hardly described the circle when he is already itching to go up to the village to drink tea, lounge about, and babble.
他还没画完圆圈, 就一心想到岸上村子里去喝茶, 逛荡, 聊天了。
Since the beginning of summer, the weather has become hot. You need to drink more water to prevent yourself getting heatstroke.
Therefore, you see that it is tough for people who are alcoholics to give it up. The more they drink, the harder it is for them to stop.
The accommodator does not bite the reduced large male deer to turn into attracts, suitable should be possible the suitable Lin Canada to drink, and.
Then Lu Xun took another drink, and before long, the veins on his forehead began to bulge, he stared angrily as if about to explode, and the hairs of his moustache stood on end.
Just got back from the hospital for my sore throat. The doctor said to take antibiotics, get plenty of rest, and drink lots of fluids. Oh, and no alcohol. I guess I’m going to have to stay in this weekend.
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