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单词 Doctor Who 例句大全,用单词Doctor Who造句:

An American doctor who wants to perform the world's first head transplant has conceded the host body would probably reject the new addition.
We hear the success stories all the time, about the poor child from the inner city who manages— against all odds— to become a successful entrepreneur, a lawyer or a doctor.
Lifelines were tossed to him by a community social development officer, a doctor who does Bible school and counseling, and Sam Chapman, the organiser of a reconciliation group.
They sent a golden board inscribed with characters meaning,"Effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life," to the old doctor who specializes in traditional Chinese medicine.
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单词 Doctor Who 释义

  • 单词释义:Doctor Who是一部由BBC制作;1963年开播;长期上演并多次赢得荣誉的英国科幻电视节目。该系列描述了一位神秘的时间旅行者——The Doctor;他与他的搭档乘坐着名为Tardis的时间船  [更多..]



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